Accessibility LessonsThe Odin Project
Wrote several lessons on accessibility, meant to help those going through the open-source curriculum to start implementing accessibility with several important features, including:
- Why accessibility matters and benefits everyone
- The importance of semantic HTML
- How to use colors more accessibly
- How to make a page accessible for keyboard navigation
- Basic introduction to WAI-ARIA through ARIA labeling
Introductory CSS LessonThe Odin Project
Wrote an introductory lesson on CSS as part of a complete rewrite of HTML and CSS sections. This lesson is meant to help people gain a basic understanding of several basic CSS topics, including:
- Adding CSS to HTML files
- Class, ID, grouping, and descendant selectors
- Several common CSS properties
- The cascade, specificity, and inheritance
Additional Contributions
- Conducted an accessibility audit and opened issues for the Developer Portfolio and Drawit repositories, in addition to submitting PR's to fix some of the issues, as part of Hacktoberfest 2021. This process included looking into the documentation for and utilizing styled-components, Material-UI, and P5.js.